Ah, lads and lassies, have ye heard the grand news? The Brighton Centre’s been handpicked as one of the spots for the 2025 Premier League Darts, don’t ya know? Aye, it’s true – Brighton’s going to be buzzing on the 6th of March next year, as it’s one of 17 lucky venues chosen by the Professional Darts Corporation.
Now, if ye cast yer mind back to 2007, the very same venue played host to the final, where the legendary Phil Taylor clinched his third consecutive title. Fast forward to 2024, and we saw our World Number 1, Luke Humphries, taking down Michael Smith for his very first nightly win. But, as fate would have it, the young whippersnapper Luke Littler had the last laugh, besting Humphries in the final.

The Brighton Centre, with its capacity of 5,515, is ready to welcome the throngs of darting fans. Brighton & Hove City Councillor Alan Robins couldn’t be more chuffed, saying, “It’s absolutely fantastic that the Premier League of Darts is coming back to the Brighton Centre. Events like this, packed with punters and pulling in huge telly numbers, are brilliant for our city’s reputation. Not only will it give our local economy a nice wee boost, but it’ll keep Brighton & Hove firmly on the sporting map.”
Before they land in Brighton, the Premier League will make stops in the likes of Belfast, Glasgow, Dublin, and Exeter. And to cap it all off, the final showdown will be in London’s O2 Arena on the 29th of May, 2025.
And sure, for those of ye with a flutter in mind, the bookies are already buzzing with odds and lines. Whether ye fancy backing Humphries, Littler, or another dark horse, there’s no better time to place yer bets. Brighton’s shaping up to be the place where fortunes might be made, both on the oche and in the betting shops! Sláinte!